Economic Themes (2008) 46 (3) 13, 195-211


Miro Sokić

Abstract: This paper presents main characteristics and perspectives of European Union development, as well as economic consequences of the most recent enlargements. Qualitative analysis of the issue of participation in the joint EU budget is also contained herein, which has always been the subject of a dispute among its member states. The emphasis is placed on the structure of income and expenditure of the joint fund in Brussels, as well as the fact that the richest countries, first of all the Netherlands and France, dissatisfied with the amount of their incoming payments, have rejected the new EU constitution in a referendum. The resulting institutional crisis is being solved by new, reforming Treaty of Lisbon. The chances of Serbia to strengthen its European perspective are also pointed out, in the light of declaration of Kosovo’s independence, stabilization and association agreement which still waits to be sighed and very unforeseeable political orientation of new Serbian political elite after the parliamentary elections in May.

Keywords:  European Union; joint budget; Treaty of Lisbon; perspectives of development; Serbia

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