Economic Themes (2012) 50 (2) 4, 187-204
Sreten Ćuzović, Svetlana Sokolov-Mladenović, Đorđe Ćuzović
Abstract: The content of this study should serve as a guide for the reader in understanding the electronic commerce in terms of "new economy" (digital- Internet economy). The market developed countries recognize the information and communication technology (ICT) as a resource to increase their company's competitive advantage. The distinguished "old economy" accepts the challenges of the "digital economy" and replaces paper business electronic data interchange (EDI). In addition to virtual stores, on-lajn retailers and customers, and electronic auctions develop as well as electronic exchange electronic trade fairs etc. and electronic institutions. Parallel to the electronic exchange of messages and business documents, trade companies implement information and communication technology in macro-micro organizational structure of retail network. In addition to its retail network by the "brick and mortar" electronic retailing channel known as retail sales on a "click and mortar" is developed. There is "moving" sell on the Internet. But do not forget that e-commerce can spontaneously develop. It must be substantially designed project of different stakeholders. Marketing Partnership stores, manufacturers and consumers, on the one hand, statutory and legal framework, government support, international organizations and bodies for standardization of information and communication infrastructure, on the other hand are the assumptions to further develop e-commerce.
Keywords: trade; Internet-Web; digital economy; privacy; ethics; legal regulations
TRADE IN THE CONDITIONS OF INTERNET-WEB ECONOMY (socioeconomic assumptions and ethical principles
Sreten Ćuzović, Svetlana Sokolov-Mladenović, Đorđe Ćuzović
Abstract: The content of this study should serve as a guide for the reader in understanding the electronic commerce in terms of "new economy" (digital- Internet economy). The market developed countries recognize the information and communication technology (ICT) as a resource to increase their company's competitive advantage. The distinguished "old economy" accepts the challenges of the "digital economy" and replaces paper business electronic data interchange (EDI). In addition to virtual stores, on-lajn retailers and customers, and electronic auctions develop as well as electronic exchange electronic trade fairs etc. and electronic institutions. Parallel to the electronic exchange of messages and business documents, trade companies implement information and communication technology in macro-micro organizational structure of retail network. In addition to its retail network by the "brick and mortar" electronic retailing channel known as retail sales on a "click and mortar" is developed. There is "moving" sell on the Internet. But do not forget that e-commerce can spontaneously develop. It must be substantially designed project of different stakeholders. Marketing Partnership stores, manufacturers and consumers, on the one hand, statutory and legal framework, government support, international organizations and bodies for standardization of information and communication infrastructure, on the other hand are the assumptions to further develop e-commerce.
Keywords: trade; Internet-Web; digital economy; privacy; ethics; legal regulations