Economic Themes (2024) 62 (1) 5, 87-106


Aleksandar Manasijević

Abstract: A large number of authors, organizations, and institutions have addressed the issue of uneven regional development over time. As a result of their research, numerous theories have been developed that examine and analyze the field of regional development from various perspectives. The evolution of economic thought on regional development has led to changes in understanding the most significant factors and drivers of regional growth and development. In contemporary research, there is an increasing dominance of certain intangible factors such as knowledge, innovation, strategic management, smart specialization, intellectual capital, and modern digital technologies. Thus, current research in the field of regional development, as well as regional realities, confirm that these factors play a dominant role in achieving more equitable regional development in modern conditions. Accordingly, this paper will analyze the theoretical foundations of contemporary approaches to regional development that emphasize the importance of strategic planning, smart specialization, innovation, and modern digital technologies, aiming for a better understanding and incorporation into an integrated urban-rural model of regional development, as well as their application by economic and regional policymakers.

Keywords:  Regional development; strategic management; smart specialization; regional innovation system; rurban model.

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