Economic Themes (2009) 47 (3) 4, 43-55


Aleksandar Grubor

Abstract: Services marketing is focused on the services consumer’s satisfaction of needs and expectations. Companies in the service business try to create value for the consumer by the favour of realizing a profit. Contemporary service business is recognizable by an increase in services consumer’s expectations, as well as by more and more intensive competition, wherein the service company may realize success only if it is good in managing of value delivering process, in regard to creating and offering a superior value to the services consumers. In the traditional marketing, the service company primarily created a specific service supply, and after that focussed on its market sales. Marketing orientation of contemporary service companies demands their targeting towards creating and delivering service supply to a precisely defined target market. Thus services marketing is positioned to the beginning of planning process in a new way of service business process.

Keywords:  creating value; services marketing; consumer; satisfaction; marketing

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